The tragedy of the horrific murders is felt by all in the town. Pulled out of retirement, Spade begins to investigate while Teresa keeps her cards close to her chest.

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Monsieur Spade
Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 2: "More Reliable Than Just Your Wits"
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Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

I’ll tell you what. You stay and wait for your father to show up; smoke to your lungs’ content. I’ll be back at sundown. If you’re still hanging around, you’ll come home with me. If not, it’s swell knowing you, and I hope you and Philippe have a nice life on the run.


Patrice: Tell me, Sam. Outside of the antique Gabrielle got you for St. Valentine’s or whatever, do you still possess a working pistol?
Sam: Anyone who wants to shoot me will have to bring their own gun.
Patrice: I have no idea what that means, but it has the ring of your usual moral foolishness. Still, there’s a madman running around. You might want to protect yourself with something more reliable than just your wits.