Pearl surveys the construction site after she and Teddy make a difficult decision on Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3 Episode 4.

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Law & Order: Organized Crime
Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3 Episode 4: "Spirit In The Sky"
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Vincent: You can't do that.
Pearl: I write the checks, Vincent. I can do whatever I want. And I'm replacing this crew.
[Pearl hangs up.]
Teddy: You don't know what you're doing.
Pearl: I'm leading. And I can use your help.

Stabler: If you help me out, I'll make sure you get to see your sister. Who hired you to kill Henry Cole?
Kenny: I don't know what you're talking about. Henry Cole was a loudmouth jackass who deserved to die. Nobody hired me. I thought of it all on my own.
Stabler: Listen to me. I'm your last best chance at not getting your throat slit in the shower.