A picture of the giant dinner that Lorelai hosts when its original hosts are stranded in a snowstorm.

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Gilmore Girls
Gilmore Girls Season 2 Episode 10: "The Bracebridge Dinner"
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Gilmore Girls Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Luke: Gotta say sleigh rides are a little much but these horses are really beautiful.
Lorelai: Yes, especially from this angle.
Luke: Not just from this angle.
Lorelai: No, seriously don't back track. The horse has got a nice butt there.
Luke: That's not what I'm saying.
Lorelai: Nice firm hine.
Luke: Stop talking about the horse's hine.

(About inviting everyone to the Inn)
Lorelai: An out of control, over the top slumber party!
Sookie: I love it!
Rory: Me too!
Lorelai: Done! Spread the word.
Luke: I haven't said I'd come yet so I'm certainly not gonna suddenly become your messenger boy. (Lorelai gives him a glaring look) Eight o'clock?
Lorelai: Seven.
Luke: Right.