Why is there a 75 at the podium? It must be something important and tied to the school as Betty seems to be the one delivering a speech.

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The CW
The CW
Lili Reinhart
Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13: "Chapter Thirteen: The Sweet Hereafter"
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Riverdale Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

Alice: The night of the homecoming when your father and I were crowned king and queen, the fight that FP saw, I had just told your father I was pregnant. And we disagreed on how best to handle...things. And we had a really big fight, and the next day I went away.
Betty: To the Sisters of Quiet Mercy?
Alice: Yeah, and five months later your brother was born. The Sisters arranged for a quiet adoption.
Betty: God, Mom, I'm so sorry.
Alice: It's the biggest regret of my life.
Betty: I'm so sorry.
Betty: It's okay, Mom.
[They hug and sob]

Veronica: Cheryl, I'm so sorry I'm late.
Cheryl: All you missed was my abdication. The Vixens are in the gym awaiting you, their new Directorix. And I wanted to give you this.
[Gives Her A Shirt]
Veronica: Your "HBIC" shirt?
Cheryl: These last few days have put things in perspective.
Veronica: I understand, but if you personally need anything..
Cheryl: I'm fine...#MyTearsForBlossomMen.
[She leaves]