What has Severide smiling so big? Is it his new marriage to Brittany, the holiday season, or something else altogether?

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Chicago Fire
Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10: "Santa Bites"
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Chicago Fire Season 3 Episode 10 Quotes

Casey: Maybe this whole thing is too big for us. I’m trying to be a Lieutenant and your fiance and you can’t respect either one.
Dawson: Request permission to leave shift, Lieutenant.
Casey: Granted candidate.

Boden: You ever been invited to a friend’s place for Thanksgiving, sat down for a big, beautiful once a year meal, got excited about a perfectly cooked turkey, and then they served up a ham.
Connie: A ham?
Boden: Instead of the turkey.
Connie: No I got that part, but …
Boden: See? Tradition is important, is it not?
Connie: I suppose it is.
Boden: Thank you Connie. Woman that understands. I mean, who knows if the pilgrims ate turkey at the first Thanksgiving? Maybe they had nothing but hams, lined up for miles, But me, turkey is the traditional Thanksgiving food. And Gravy. Brown. Makde from the difference of a turkey, not some fancy foo-foo stuff made from pears, and sun dried tomatoes.
Connie: I do like a good gravy.
Boden: You better stand up for tradition Connie, or what else do we have?
Connie: Ham and pear gravy.
Boden: Thank you Connie.