Bay signs up for a class at UKMC and finds that everyone remembers her as the girl from the assault on Switched at Birth. "How Does a Girl Like You Get to Be a Girl Like You" is the 12th episode of the show's fourth season.

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Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 12: "How Does a Girl Like You Get to Be a Girl Like You"
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Switched at Birth Season 4 Episode 12 Quotes

Lily: [at Toby's apartment] We need to talk.
Toby: I don't have anything to say. [Lily walks past Toby into his apartment] Made it pretty clear you think you're too good for me.
Lily: I'm pregnant.
Toby: Are you sure?
Lily: Of course I'm sure. Do you think I'm making this up?
Toby: Well, is it mine?
Lily: Yes it's yours.
Toby: How is that such a terrible thing to ask? You said you were into somebody else!
Lily: I said I was confused. I also said that nothing happened with him. I was faithful to you, I was honest with you all along. I didn't do anything wrong.

Mingo: [after hearing about what's going on with Toby] Wow that's so heavy.
Daphne: Yeah, it's a lot.
Mingo: Happened to my aunt and uncle too, but um, you know.
Daphne: Well that's what most people do these days.
Mingo: Yeah. It makes sense.
Daphne: I don't think that's the obvious thing to do. Is that what you're saying?
Mingo: I am saying, that kid would have a really hard life. I think we can agree on that.
Daphne: No.
Mingo: You're not willing to admit that a family with a down syndrome kid would have a tougher life than other families?
Daphne: I think it requires more adjustments. Maybe even sacrifice, but I am sure that they have as much love and affection and happiness as any other family.
Mingo: OK.
Daphne: Do you think that my life is harder than a hearing person?
Mingo: Well, yeah.
Daphne: But you're wrong, it isn't.
Mingo: You said yourself that's maybe why you got a D in chemistry.
Daphne: I was just having a moment of weakness.
Mingo: Daphne, of course it is harder. I mean you can't hear music.
Daphne: Of course I can, in my own way.
Mingo: You can't go places where it's dark because you have to read lips.
Daphne: So I go where it's light or go with people who can sign.
Mingo: But it's harder.
Daphne: No, it isn't!