An image from the episode "Tell Me Sweet Little Lies."

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Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 14: "Tell Me Sweet Little Lies"
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Grey's Anatomy Season 2 Episode 14 Quotes

CRISTINA: "We're in an elevator. That's your specialty, right? McDreamy moments in the elevator?"
DEREK: "Dr. Yang-"
CRISTINA: "You know what? For just a moment, I’m not Dr. Yang and you’re not Dr. Shepherd. You’re the guy who screwed up my friend. The guy who drove her to get a dog she can't keep, the dog she only got because her boyfriend lied to her about his wife."
DEREK: "I never lied to her."
CRISTINA: "Yes you are. You know, I know a liar when I see one because I am a liar."

MEREDITH: "Hey, why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
CRISTINA: "Why aren't you busy prepping for rounds and stealing all the good cases?"
MEREDITH: "No reason."
CRISTINA: "No reason." [pause] "Burke thinks I moved in with him."
MEREDITH: "McDreamy and I have a case. Wait. He thinks you moved in with him?"
CRISTINA: "You're calling him McDreamy again?"
CRISTINA: "What are you doing?"
MEREDITH: "What are YOU doing?"