Isabelle, Alec, Magnus, Clary and Simon are joining forces to find Jace and stop whatever plan Lilith has cooking.

Photo Credit:
Emeraude Toubia, Matthew Daddario, Harry Shum Jr., Katherine McNamara, Alberto Rosende
Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 7: "Salt In The Wound"
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Shadowhunters Photos, Freeform Photos, Emeraude Toubia Photos, Matthew Daddario Photos, Harry Shum Jr. Photos, Katherine McNamara Photos, Alberto Rosende Photos, Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 7 Photos
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Shadowhunters Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Alec: Magnus, Lilith would’ve gotten to him with or without you. You can’t put this all on yourself.
Magnus: I will fix it. I will use the last drop of my power if it’s the death of me.
[They hug]
Magnus: Thank you.
Alec: About our fight.
Magnus: Alexander...
Alec: No, I was wrong. I said things I shouldn’t have.
Magnus: As did I. But that’s not important right now. What’s important is saving your parabathai.

Clary: Jace, this isn’t you!
[He lifts her over the edge of a roof]
Clary: Jace, I know you’re still in there. I know you won’t kill me. Jace, I love you.
[He pulls her close]
Jace: I don’t love you. Not anymore.
[He throws her off a roof and she falls on a car]