Susan reconnects with Mike and agrees to help him look for his son, Zach.

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Desperate Housewives
Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 4: "My Heart Belongs to Daddy"
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Desperate Housewives Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Lynette: I couldn't find Mrs. Mulberry's umbrella, so I brought her her sun hat instead, all right? And, here we go.
Parker: It's in the shower.
Lynette: What?
Parker: Mrs. Mulberry said she left it in the shower.
Lynette: Well, why didn't Mrs. Mulberry volunteer that information before I turned your room upside down looking for it, hmm?
Parker: (Pauses) So are you gonna go get it?
Lynette: No, I'm not going to get the damn umbrella!

The residents of the Fairview County Jail looked forward to every Tuesday. That was the day that Gabrielle Solis came to visit her husband. The inmates went out of their way to give her compliments whether she wanted them to or not. With each visit, these accolades became increasingly inventive. Still Gabrielle was not flattered. In fact, Gabrielle started to dread this special attention.

Mary Alice