Mystery solved! It looks like everyone is watching Ruby and her classmates put on some performance all dressed up as Supergirl! Kara must surely be flattered by these adorable mini Supergirls.

Photo Credit:
The CW
Supergirl Season 3 Episode 4: "The Faithful"
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Supergirl Photos, Supergirl Season 3 Episode 4 Photos
Vancouver / Burnaby, BC, Canada
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Supergirl Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

James: This is starting to feel a little...
Winn: Cult-y?
James: Yeah.

  • Permalink: Cult-y?
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Alex: Well actually, we aren't going to have kids.
Maggie: Yeah, we'll just be the cool aunts.
Sam: Great! Ruby would love that. Also, I'm sorry for assuming.
Lena: Put me down for another cool aunt.
Alex: I'm the slightly nerdier aunt.