There are so many shocking truths in Wai Huna. Margot is stunned after all the latest revelations and twists shaking up the town.

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I Know What You Did Last Summer
Prime Video
I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1 Episode 8: "Your Next Life Could Be So Much Happier"
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I Know What You Did Last Summer Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Margot: Never leave me. Okay?
Allison: Never.

Dylan: I came to give you another chance. You need to tell the truth and then I can help set you free.
Allison: You mean like you freed Clara?
Dylan: It’s what she wanted. A chance at redemption in the next life.
Allison: What the fuck does that mean?
Dylan: I helped prepare her for the prophecy.
Allison: You’re really scaring me.
Dylan: You’re the one holding the knife.