Happy Gael - Tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 14

Gael is ecstatic about his renewed passion in his art and hits it off with his new studio roommate.

Sweet Fatherly Moments -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 14

Gael shares a sweet moment with his daughter, Lyric, as he spends some quality time with her during Party of One.

Gael Updates Dennis - tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 14

Gael updates Dennis about the lastest in his life as the two have a moment during breakfast at the Coterie.

Haunted Look -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 11

Gael has a haunted look on his face as he reads some alarming news on his phone during the winter premiere.

Gael's Alert - Tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 11

Gael gets an alert on his phone about something after his night of grafitti art on the winter premiere.

Mixed Signs and Confusion - Good Trouble Season 4 Episode 18

Gael is overwhelmed with how often Isabella keeps changing her mind and what to do next for their futures.

Good Trouble Quotes

Callie: Why did you call me?
Kathleen: I want you to be my lawyer.

Gael: What's the story with Matt? He seems like a good guy.
Davia: He is.
Gael: And cute.
Davia: You think?
Gael: I'd hit it.