An Outdoor Scene

Patrick Dempsey films scenes for Grey's Anatomy in February 2009.

The Racin' Man

Patrick Dempsey loves auto racing almost as much as he does Grey's Anatomy. Actually, probably more - but one pays for the other!

Airport Style

Patrick Dempsey of Grey's Anatomy looks terrific even when hustling through a busy airport.

Young Patrick Dempsey

Patrick Dempsey in his younger days.

The Doctor is Back In

Patrick Dempsey touches down in L.A., looking as handsome as ever.

Hunkiest TV Star Ever!

Patrick Dempsey has been named that, and certainly not for the first (or the last) time.

Still a Classic

Patrick Dempsey goes for a spin Monday in his classic convertible around Beverly Hills, where he shopped at Barney's and stopped for a business meeting.

Patrick Dempsey Rides

Yes he does. His bike, that is. Patrick Dempsey is always a welcome sight ... on this site! And by anyone, anywhere, really.

What a McDreamy Individual

Patrick Dempsey, a.k.a. McDreamy, takes care of some errands in L.A. The man is not un-good looking.

Patrick Dempsey and Donatella Versace

Patrick Dempsey escorts Donatella Versace to the Whitney Museum of Arts in New York City. The Grey's Anatomy star is a handsome devil!

Patrick Dempsey Rides His Bike

Grey's Anatomy star Patrick Dempsey was seen out for a bike ride in October 2008. He looked rather hot, but that should be no surprise to die hard fans.

A Handsome Star

Patrick Dempsey certainly qualifies as such, wouldn't you say? We would certainly say.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.