Gael Updates Dennis - tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 14

Gael updates Dennis about the lastest in his life as the two have a moment during breakfast at the Coterie.

Morning Gossip - tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 14

Dennis partakes in the morning gossip and conversations at the Coterie during Party of One.

Haven Owner - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 12

Dennis is the owner of Haven and trying to enjoy his new business, but trouble may lurk because of Jeet.

Denvia Love and Support -tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 11

Davia gives some comfort and support to Dennis as they work through the issues with the new restaurant.

Haven Owner - Tall - Good Trouble Season 5 Episode 11

Dennis is the owner of Haven and trying to enjoy his new business, but trouble may lurk because of Jeet.

Dennis Chills - tall - Good Trouble Season 3 Episode 17

Dennis is chilling out with his new haircut and all when he someone has some words with him on Good Trouble.

Good Trouble Quotes

I thought the free toilet paper would be a nice perk. I had no idea how much people would overwipe. You wouldn't believe it. I hope you guys are eco-friendly.


Mariana: We're so lit.
Callie: We're pretty lit.
Both: We're straight up fire!