David Anders Image

Don't worry about the fate that seemingly befell Adam Monroe to end season two. David Anders will be back for season three.

David Anders Photograph

Here's one of our favorite pictures of David Anders.

Takezo Kensei Pic

David Anders isn't really British... or Japanese. But he sort of plays both on Heroes this season.

David Anders Picture

On the Heroes season two premiere, viewers will meet David Anders. He's one of several new stars.

The New Heroes

A slew of new Heroes. They are: Dana Davis, Kristen Bell, David Anders, Dania Ramirez and Shalim Ortiz.

David Anders Photo

Yes, Takezo Kensei. But why? We'll learn the reason why David Anders will this role during "Four Months Later."

Private Practice Guest Star

Before joining the cast of Heroes, David Anders guest starred on the pilot of <a href="http://www.privatepracticeinsider.com">Private Practice</a> in the spring.

David Anders, Heros

David Anders without his mask during a scene in season two. This guy is playing a samurai warrior? Intriguing.

New Series Regular

David Anders is more than a bit player. Heroes fans should get used to seeing his face around for awhile.

David Anders Pic

David Anders is playing a samurai on Heroes??? That should be interesting to see.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
