Laurel, Felicity, and Dinah work together to help Oliver.

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The CW
Arrow Season 7 Episode 5: "The Demon"
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Arrow Season 7 Episode 5 Quotes

Laurel: Well, all this saving your husband crap has made me very hungry, so I'm going to go get a pizza.
Felicity: Okay.
Laurel: Do you want to come. If you're hungry... I don't know.
Felicity: Are you asking me out on a friend date?
Laurel: No.

Felicity: Okay real talk. We're working together and we need your help.
Dinah: Huh, we?
Laurel: It's called empathy, Dinah.
Dinah: I'm about 100 percent sure that's not what we're dealing with here.