The Killjoys seem to be taking part in some important meeting here. Is the title "Escape Velocity" a hint our heroes will break free from the Quad and not look back? Tune in to the Season 1 Finale Friday, August 21 to find out.

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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 10: "Escape Velocity"
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Killjoys Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

D'avin: Okay, what if we say screw all this, get on Lucy and don't look back?
Dutch: The three of us?
D'avin: Yeah, the three of us.
Dutch: I can't, not until I'm done with Khlyen.
D'avin: I know.

Dutch: Khlyen told me something when I was leaving. He said I needed my team, that something was coming. I think he meant to the Quad.
John: Like what?
Dutch: That's all he said.
D'avin: I think maybe you should leave.
John: Maybe. You. Should. Leave.
D'avin: No... I mean both of you. Take Lucy, be a moving target. You stole his shit, he's gonna come looking for you.
Dutch: So we better make sure we're ready for when he does.
D'avin: How?
Dutch: Well first, I need to know everything about Khlyen, Level 6...
D'avin: Red 17?
Dutch: What?
D'avin: Turin brought it up. He said you're on some kind of a list.