Sofia comforts Betty in the bathroom after Betty is told by Daniel he can't use her hotel piece. Don't worry, Sofia will use it for her magazine instead.

Photo Credit:
Ugly Betty
Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 7: "After Hours"
Betty Suarez
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Ugly Betty Photos, Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 7 Photos, Betty Suarez Photos
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Ugly Betty Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Your asking me to entertain Ted Lebob... the present of Bomart... a store that has the fashion equivalent of canned ravioli


Sofia: Your lead story is just great, "ten ways to lose thighs and get guys." So empowering.
Daniel: What's your cover story? Ten ways to treat a guy like dirt so you end up a lonely desperate cat lately.
Sofia: Well the title's a little long but thanks for the story pitch