There is a lot of fog coming in from behind the rollercoaster. Is it wrong that all I really want is for them to jump on the rides and have a good time? They've earned it, right?

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The CW
The Flash
The Flash Season 2 Episode 19: "Back to Normal"
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The Flash Season 2 Episode 19 Quotes

Well, hello Doppelganger of mine. What do you know. I can still pull off brunette.

Killer Frost

Joe: And without your speed, there's no way any of us can get through that breech Cisco found at the hospital. I just don't think there's anything any of us can do right now.
Harry: That's right. And that's on you, Al.
Joe: Enough. We're all suffering here.
Harry: That's right, Detective. We're all suffering. We've lost Snow, you've lost your speed and now? Ha. Now Zoom can come through that breech any time he wants. And that, Allen, That's on on you!
Iris: Hey, that's on all of us. We made these decisions as a team.
Harry: No, we didn't.