Alec and Isabelle are having a heated disagreement on Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 9.

Photo Credit:
Matthew Daddario, Emeraude Toubia
Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 9: "Bound by Blood"
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Shadowhunters Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Clary: I can't let Valentine activate the soul whatever happens, you can't let him take me alive.
Simon: Alright. Clary, you're kinda freaking me out.
Clary: Trust me, I've thought about it and Magnus was right.
Simon: What are you talking about?
Clary: I would rather die than let Valentine destroy the Downworld. I need you to promise me if Valentine ever gets to me again...
Simon: No, absolutely not!
Jace: I promise. If it ever comes to that, I won't let him take you alive.

Clary: This is so weird.
Simon: Are my fangs in the way? Because I could totally...
Clary: No, you're fine. It's just the canoe is a little small. Ouch!
Simon: Be careful.
[They shift around]
Clary: I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
[They kiss]
Simon: It's okay. I got you.
Clary: Oh great, in that case we'll just go down together.
Simon: Well, I mean, I'm pretty sure this thing is untippable.
Clary: Oh yea?
Simon: Yea.
Clary: We'll just have to see about that.
[They kiss and takes off his shirt]