Barry the therapist - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 9

Barry is a therapist and veteran who has helped Preacher and hopes to do the same for Jack on Virgin River.

Lilly Offers Closure - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 9

Lilly, or a version of her that Hope conjures up, offers Hope the closure that she desperately needed.

Stacie Returns - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 9

Stacie, Mel's sister in law, is back in Virgin River but does she have more trouble to stir up or is she there to make amends?

Baby Shower - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 9

Charmaine has some news about the baby shower that she wants to share with Jack when she shows up at the bar.

Putting Up a Wall - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 7

Julia puts up a wall and wants to keep things professional when she learns more about Preacher's past.

Dashing Jack - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 6

Jack gets all dressed up like a prince when it's time for the annual Virgin River Renaissance Faire.

Chris' Brother - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 6

Chris' brother shows up in Virgin River to meet Jack and put his mind at ease about some things on Virgin River.

Triggered During a Play - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 6

Jack is doing a play with Ricky and Preacher and gets triggered when he thinks about losing Chris after seeing his brother.

The Letter - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 6

Jack reads a letter that Chris wrote to his parents that Chris' brother gives to him hoping to put him at ease.

Heavy on his Mind - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 6

Jack has a lot of heavy things on his mind during the annual Renaissance fair when a blast from the past sends him spiraling.

Cup'o Mead - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 6

Jack runs the pub and hands out all the ale at the Virgin River Rennaisance fair but is his drinking too much?

Virgin River Royalty Season 4 Episode 6

The most beloved couple of the Virgin River is Jack and Mel and they fit the part as they dress for the fair.

Virgin River Season 4 Quotes

Mel: I'm pregnant.
Joey: You're pregnant?
Mel: Yeah, I'm pregnant, and I don't know who the father is.

Hope: Is Lily mad at me?
Doc: Why would you ask that?
Hope: Because she hasn't come over. I called her twice, and she hasn't called me back.