The Truth Comes Out - Truth Be Told (2019) Season 2 Episode 2

This is a still from Truth Be Told Season 2 Episode 2, airing Friday August 27.

Plotting - Truth Be Told (2019) Season 2 Episode 2

This is a still from Truth Be Told Season 2 Episode 2, airing Friday August 27.

What Happened to Joshua? - Truth Be Told (2019) Season 2 Episode 2

This is a still from Truth Be Told Season 2 Episode 2, airing Friday August 27.

New Crime Scene - Truth Be Told (2019) Season 2 Episode 2

This is a still from Truth Be Told Season 2 Episode 2, airing Friday August 27.

At an Event - Truth Be Told (2019) Season 2 Episode 2

This is a still from Truth Be Told Season 2 Episode 2, airing Friday August 27.

Micah and Poppy - Truth Be Told (2019)

Micah and Poppy are at an event on Truth Be Told Season 2 Episode 2.

Truth Be Told (2019) Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Keep going, don't be shocked on my account.


Person: Poppy?
Cydie: Who's asking?
Person: You've been served.