Watson Rose on The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Watson Rose joins the cast of The Way Home as a woman in the past.

Kris Holden-Reid on The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Kris Holden-Reid joins the cast of The Way Home as a man from the past.

Through the Looking Glass - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Alice is living a life not unlike that of Alice in Wonderland.

Fearful of Losting Her Mom - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Alice is afraid of losing her mom through the pond on The Way Home.

Alice is All Alone - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Alice is all alone at the pond as she and Kat take separate trips.

Playing it Cool - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Alice and Kat play it cool while they keep their lips tight.

Traveling Through Time - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Kat travels through time, and her safety is at risk.

What Does It Want? - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Kat must wonder what the pond wants from her and Alice.

Del Looks Concerned - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Del tries to warm up in her snuggly sweater as she looks concerned.

Del Lounges in her Field - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Del Landry lounges in her field as she contemplates the future.

Elliot Looks for Answers - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Elliot looks for answers in the air on The Way Home.

What? - The Way Home Season 2 Episode 2

Alice throws her arms in the air on The Way Home.