Hot for Teacher - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 8

Sybil takes over teacher duties at Mystic Falls High School. She *does* know a thing or two about ancient history and Greek mythology, so she's totally a natural.

Stefan Serves - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 8

Stefan serves Cade and doesn't have to play fair. It seems he is totally all in on being the Ripper once again.

Goodbye For Now - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

At the moment, it's looking like there won't be a Steroline June Wedding after all, since Stefan has to go play soul collector for Satan. Can his love for Caroline bring him back to her for good? We'll see.

Dinner Party from Hell - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Can Caroline ever just have a party that goes off without a hitch? (No.) This is one dysfunctional gathering of people, you guys, and we're really going to miss them when they're gone.

Stepdad Stefan - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Stefan traded his immortal soul to save Lizzie and Josie, so it's only right he gets a goodbye moment with them. But something tells us this won't be the last time we see them together.

Dad in Danger - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

See? It's never a good idea to bring a human to dinner. We're really hoping Daddy Donovan has some secret family knowledge tucked away regarding how to kill the Devil. If he can survive long enough to divulge it.

Donovan and His Dad - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

So we can't blame Matt for bringing his dad to dinner. He totally thought Damon was dead and the threat had passed. But is it ever really a good idea to bring a human to a dinner full of supernatural creatures?

Deck the Halls - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Sybil, a very unwanted guest at Caroline's Christmas Eve dinner, isn't helping engender any good will by rearranging Ms. Forbes decorations! Back off the tree, Sybil!

Welcome to the Party - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Caroline and Stefan seem displeased with their newest guests. Probably because they know Damon's attendance dramatically increases the chances someone at their dinner will die.

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Damon, believed to be dead, shows up to Christmas Eve dinner with none other than Sybil, one of Satan's minions. Something tells us his presence at the party is very, very unwelcome.

Supernatural Parenting - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Alaric and Caroline discuss the future of their family in this still from The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7. Maybe. They could also be discussing the fact that Damon is very, very not dead.

One Big Happy Family - The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 7

Alaric and the girls stop by for Christmas Eve dinner at the Salvatore house. Alaric believes the girls are safe because Damon is dead, but everyone's in for a rude awakening.

Vampire Diaries Quotes

Damon: I mean this sincerely: I hope Elena dies.

Oooh, you know I don't know. Every time we try and go on a date you get kidnapped, I get sent to a prison world, or your feelings get compelled away...
