Liam Makes a Move - The Royals

Liam makes a move with the evidence he has against Robert on The Royals. "Seek for Thy Noble Father in the Dust" is the third episode of the show's fourth season.

Liam and Greta - The Royals Season 4 Episode 2

Liam joins Greta for a weekend with her family, but he has ulterior motives. Does he get the necessary proof to take down King Robert?

Wake Up - The Royals Season 4 Episode 2

Eleanor stays by Jasper's side during and after surgery. Tragedy often helps you realize how much you really care about someone!

You Should Move On - The Royals Season 4 Episode 2

Robert is desperately trying to convince Eleanor to forget about her feelings for Jasper, while he's fighting for his life.

Memories Of The Past - The Royals

Memories of the past lead to a declaration on The Royals. "Confess Yourself to Heaven" is the second episode of the show's fourth season.

Robert & Willow - The Royals Season 4 Episode 1

Robert has his sights set on Willow as his bride-to-be, but is it really just because she fits the profile?

At Your Service - The Royals Season 4 Episode 1

Jasper is dedicated to keeping the King safe, even if sometimes they don't see eye-to-eye. But is the King the reason he might die?

Bleeding Heart - The Royals Season 4 Episode 1

Jasper has been waiting for Eleanor to come home for four months and the minute she walks through the door, he gets shot and bleeds out.

We're Alike - The Royals Season 4 Episode 1

Cyrus agrees to help Liam because he wants the crown and because he can understand hating your older brother so much, you want him dead.

Long Live the King - The Royals Season 4 Episode 1

Robert inspires the folk in South London with an empowering and motivational speech. But was it a planned attack on Jasper?

The Royals Season 4 Poster

The Royals Season 4 debuts on E! network Sunday, March 11. It focuses on the aftermath of a mass shooting.

Happily Ever After - The Royals

Jasper hopes to find his happily ever after on The Royals. "To Show My Duty in Your Coronation" is the tenth episode of the show's third season.

The Royals Quotes

If he actually did it maybe he actually deserves to be King.

Prince Cyrus

But someone once taught me that, to find yourself, to find your truth, you need to get lost a bit first.

Princess Eleanor