Violet! - The Royals Season 4 Episode 10

King Cyrus looks like he saw a ghost after spotting Violet at the church for the Royal wedding.

I Do - The Royals Season 4 Episode 10

Willow and King Robert stand before God and the whole world during their wedding day. Does anyone have any objections?

A Royal Wedding - The Royals Season 4 Episode 10

Willow is contemplating her decision to marry King Robert mere minutes before she's set to walk down the aisle.

Checkmate - The Royals Season 4 Episode 10

Liam gives his brother a pep talk right before he walks down the aisle. Have they left behind all the drama?

Mom Fight - The Royals Season 4 Episode 10

Willow's wedding day preparations are interrupted by her mother and Queen Helena lashing out at each other.

Oh, Baby! - The Royals Season 4 Episode 10

Liam and Kathryn say goodbye right before the coup. He promises to find her and their baby after it's all done.

The Family Unites - The Royals

The family must unite to combat their enemy on The Royals. "With Mirth in Funeral and With Dirge in Marriage" is the tenth episode of the show's fourth season.

Liam's Army - The Royals Season 4 Episode 9

Liam, Cyrus, Aston and Queen Helena have a secret meeting at the Venezuelan embassy to plot the takedown of King Robert.

Who Outed Me? - The Royals Season 4 Episode 9

Eleanor goes to have a word with her mother, the Queen, but instead, walks in on her sleeping with her good friend, Sebastian.

Robin No Hood - The Royals Season 4 Episode 9

Eleanor is revealed to be Robin Hood and with her picture all over the papers, she can no longer continue doing good deeds.

Need a Hit? - The Royals Season 4 Episode 9

Willow and Eleanor smoke the secret stash after King Robert decides to disband parliament for good.

Second Thoughts - The Royals

Willow and King Robert get into their first fight after he fails to tell her about his plan to disband Parliament forever.

The Royals Quotes

If he actually did it maybe he actually deserves to be King.

Prince Cyrus

But someone once taught me that, to find yourself, to find your truth, you need to get lost a bit first.

Princess Eleanor