Sarah's Dilemma - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Sarah is offered the chance for Greylock to receive international recognition, but at a great personal cost, and turns to Grover for support.

Corinne's Request - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Danny offers to help Corinne with her legal problems, but Corinne asks for something he wasn't expecting.

Sensitive to AJ - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Tyler sees that AJ is struggling and offers to help. In return, AJ gives him a gift that supports his newfound passion.

Sarah's Confidant - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Sarah is offered the chance for Greylock to receive international recognition, but at a great personal cost, and turns to Grover for support.

Helping Tyler - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

AJ gives Tyler a gift that supports his newfound passion.

Political Career - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Bella is thriving in politics and tries to convince her dad to make it permanent.

Helping Sarah - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Ellen is available to help Sarah, who is offered the chance for Greylock to receive international recognition, but at a great personal cost.

Needing Help - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Danny offers to help Corinne with her legal problems, but Corinne asks for something he wasn't expecting.

Personal Cost -- Tall - The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13

Sarah is offered the chance for Greylock to receive international recognition, but at a great personal cost, and turns to Grover for support.

Personal Cost - The Republic of Sarah

Sarah must decide if a chance is worth the personal cost on The Republic of Sarah. "The Last Rabbit" is the 13th episode of the show's first season.

The Republic of Sarah Season 1 Episode 13 Quotes

For once in your life, Danny, be there.

Corinne [to Danny]

I know what it's like growing up with a father who runs at the first sign of trouble. Josh doesn't deserve that. Nobody does.

Sarah [to AJ]