Lev and Doctor Nuland - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 4

Lev talking with Doctor Nuland, after she got past his house's border defenses.

Ash - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 4

Ash, in 2099, taking care of the Flynne Peripheral's hair.

Flynne in a Home Movie Sim - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 4

Flynne in a home-movie sim that got invaded unexpectedly by Wilf.

Wilf in Flynne's Sim - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 4

Wilf talking with Flynne in her home-movie turned Sim.

Flynne Learning History - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 4

Flynne learning the history about what happened between 2032-2099.

Lev Sitting - The Peripheral

Lev sitting in his study drinking some tea, getting interrupted

Flynne In a Box - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Flynne's Peripheral coming out of its box storage, how they store all Peripherals.

Corbell Talking with Burton - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Corbell listening to Burton Fisher's negotiations involving the Fisher family.

Flynne Talking with The Cop - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Flynne talking with Wilf and the robot police officer.

Daniel Being Threatened - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Daniel being threatened by Doctor Nelund, his boss, for not producing results quick enough.

The Robot Cop - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

The robot cop in 2099 London, that wants to arrest Flynne and/or Wilf.

Flynne and Wilf Kissing - The Peripheral Season 1 Episode 3

Flynne in the peripheral kissing Wilf to get away from the robot cop.

The Peripheral Quotes

Burton: What's the sim about?
Flynne: Kidnapping? But that's definitely just the start!
Burton: You must've done something right because they want you back tomorrow and they just bumped up the money.

Flynne: I need cash. Now.
Burton: How much?
Flynne: How much you got?
Burton: A thousand if I make it to the next level, which you could maybe help with!
Flynne: That's just one pill!
Burton: Which is one day, ain't it?