Anthony Loses a Tooth - The Passage Season 1 Episode 4

Anthony found himself in trouble on The Passage Season 1 Episode 4.

Anthony's Pain - The Passage Season 1 Episode 4

Jonas desperately tries to save Anthony's life, but who gets hurt?

Brad Helps Amy - The Passage Season 1 Episode 4

Brad tries to help Amy realize that she can say not to Project Noah.

An Escape Plan - The Passage

Wolgast tries to come up with an escape plan on The Passage. "How You Gonna Outrun the End of the World?" is the fifth episode of the show's first season.

Going Outside - The Passage

Sykes and Lear let Wolgast and Amy go outside on The Passage. "Whose Blood is That?" is the fourth episode of the show's first season.

Making a Point - The Passage Season 1 Episode 3

Brad is supposedly dead, but who can save him now?

Shauna's Pain - The Passage Season 1 Episode 3

Shauna is in pain after everything that's happened, but can Clark save her?

Clark in Pain - The Passage Season 1 Episode 3

Clark is struggling to make sense of what was happening to Shauna.

Striking a Deal - The Passage

Brad strikes a deal to stick with Amy on The Passage. "That Should Never Have Happened to You" is the third episode of the show's first season.

Brad Goes After the Agents - Tall - The Passage Season 1 Episode 2

Brad is not ready to hand Amy over, so he goes to crazy new lengths.

Making a Plan - The Passage Season 1 Episode 2

Tim, in his vampire state, is ready to set out on a new path.

More Reveals About the Virus - The Passage Season 1 Episode 2

Henry Ian Cusick and McKinley Belcher III in the “You Owe Me a Unicorn” episode of THE PASSAGE

The Passage Quotes

Anthony: Sensitivity to sunlight is a side effect?
Jonas: Can be, but if all goes well, you'll be impervious to disease.

Anthony: So, this is it? Just one dose?
Jonas: One dose.
Anthony: And what's the chip in my neck for?
Jonas: Monitors your vital signs. Tells us your location.