Barry is Worried - The Flash

Barry is in DeVoe's clutches and has no idea what to expect.

Heart To Heart - The Flash Season 4 Episode 7

Who else is a sucker for a good heart-to-heart scene with Barry and Iris?

Barry Does Not Look Happy - The Flash Season 4 Episode 7

Whatever the DeVoes are tellling Barry and Joe, our Scarlet Speedster doesn't look impressed at all.

What Is Their Story - The Flash Season 4 Episode 7

How did Marlize and Clifford meet and become this criminal duo?

How Cute Are These Two - The Flash Season 4 Episode 7

You can't get cuter than Barry Allen and Iris West together. Only one more week till the wedding!

Meeting DeVoe - The Flash

Barry comes face to face with DeVoe on The Flash. "Therefore I Am" is the seventh episode of the show's fourth season.

Save The Date - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Before we cut to the Legends of Tomorrow portion of the crossover...The CW would like you to remember to save the date!

Do Not Disobey Those Eyes - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

If a Nazi version of Oliver Queen gave me that look, I would get to work immediately right away, no matter what his orders are.

What Does He Have Planned For Them - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Something just doesn't feel right about this at all. Why is he wearing a lab uniform and what is he going to do to them?!

How Can They Even See Anything In Those - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Seriously, it can't be easy at all to see anything in those masks. Or is it?

They Got Felicity Too - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

Darn it, they got Felicity too! Can we get to see some of these awesome DCTV women kicking some of these Nazi's asses?

They Got Iris - The Flash Season 4 Episode 8

This is probably not how Iris West pictured her wedding day to be like. Hopefully, she gets to kick some Nazi ass.

The Flash Season 4 Quotes

What is a nice girl with two doctorates and a Ph.D. doing at a rat's nest like this one?


Wally West: Team Kid Flash is on the case!
Joe West: Son, I love you. But ain't nobody feeling Team Kid Flash.