Let Us Pray - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Marcus needs all the strength he can get, and so do we!

The Meaning - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Captain Howdy hears the voice he has wanted all along.

Never Giving Up - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Mother Bernadette wants to give Casey mercy. Marcus has other plans.

Powerful Demon - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Casey began the hour with a lot of power. Did she end it the same?

Falling Apart - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Angela was beginning to fall apart at the seams.

Behind You! - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Father Bennett wasn't taking anything for granted.

Henry and Angela - The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7

Henry and Angela are still fighting together to save their daughter.

The Possession Goes Public - The Exorcist

Casey's possession goes public and Father Bennett ends up in danger while investigating the Tattersal corporation on The Exorcist.

The Exorcist Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Mother Bernadette: If we fail here, we are unleashing an ancient violence into the world.
Marcus: Well let's *not* fail, then.

Father Tomas: I'll tell the family.
Marcus: No! This is not just a possession.
Father Tomas: But they have the right to know!
Marcus: This is a revenge. Can you not see that? Forty years ago, it had Regan's body and it lost it. That is a demon with a 40-year grudge. Now? It wants to torture her daughter in front of her. I'm not going to give it the satisfaction.
Father Tomas: You're asking me to lie!
Marcus: I was this close at the Rance house, I got it swimmin' laps in the lake, God is in me. Yeah! Lie!