Putting on the Ritz - The Code Season 1 Episode 11

Matt and Maya dress up for a dinner with party organizers planning a fundraiser for Matt's state-senate bid.

Losing It - The Code Season 1 Episode 11

Matt's psychological problem ends up costing him his campaign when he freaks out about a party organizer's hearing aid.

In Civvies - The Code Season 1 Episode 11

Maya dresses up for a meeting with party organizers looking to support Matt's campaign for state senate.

Key Witness - The Code Season 1 Episode 11

A drug dealer caught with the right dose of Oxycontin identifies his buyer of such pills for Harper and Abe.

Maya Worries -- Tall - The Code Season 1 Episode 11

Maya is concerned about her brother Matt after party organizers forced him to drop out of his race because of his psychological problems.

Maya Worries - The Code

Maya is concerned that her brother does not have his mental illness under control on The Code. "Don and Duff" is the 11th episode of the show's first season.

Arguments Please - The Code Season 1 Episode 10

Harper and Abe are being thwarted at every turn while trying to convict a terrorist's Marine accomplice.

Creamer? - The Code Season 1 Episode 10

Maya and Trey get kicked off an unwinnable case and are puzzled about why their high-powered replacement was brought in.

Shrouded in Darkness - The Code Season 1 Episode 10

Harper wears the grimace of a woman who is tired of making trips to New York City for wedding planning.

Sudden Free Time - The Code Season 1 Episode 10

Maya and Trey get kicked off an unwinnable case and are puzzled about why their high-powered replacement was brought in.

Wedding Weariness - The Code Season 1 Episode 10

Harper wears the grimace of a woman who is tired of making trips to New York City for wedding planning.

Catching No Breaks - The Code Season 1 Episode 10

Harper and Abe are being thwarted at every turn while trying to convict a terrorist's Marine accomplice.

The Code Season 1 Quotes

Abe: Too bad we're lawyers. We don't pursue ideals. We pursue ...
Trey: Outcomes. Uh-hmm.

Abe: Pay attention, Rami. I've got a legitimate excuse today.
Rami: The clothes. It's got something to do with the clothes.