Mr. Ketch looks happy - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 17

Mr. Ketch seems so happy. It's hard to believe where her life ended up...

Katarina holds her baby - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 17

Katarina looks happy with the baby. Is that Liz she is holding?

Peeking down the stairs - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 17

Mr. Kaplan must hear something downstairs. But what could it be? Is it the first time she meets Red?

Kate and Katarina - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 17

It looks like Mr. Ketch and Katarina were friends back in the day. So Kate has far more of a connection to Liz than we may have realized.

Mr. Ketch decides to clean - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 17

Mr. Ketch puts on some gloves. Is this the beginning of her "cleaner" status?

Dembe doesn't look happy - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

Something doesn't seem quite right. Dembe does not look happy with the choice he has made...

Ressler wants to open the door - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

Ressler has found Dembe it seems. But will he have to shoot him to stop him?

Dembe waits for his fate - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

Dembe is waiting in what looks to be a server room. Has Ressler found him? What is Dembe's end game?

Ressler sprints forward - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

Has Ressler gotten the tip on Dembe. He is rushing to save his friend and stop another.

Aram goes hacking - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

Aram does what he does best. He works that computer magic.

Red and Liz on the hunt - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

Red and Liz's info has led them to this warehouse? That can't be where Dembe is, right?

Red makes an entrance - The Blacklist Season 4 Episode 16

No one makes an entrance quite like Red. And he's probably out for blood after what Dembe did.