Making Up - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Gabby and Brittney may have made up by the time they're stuck in a lockdown with one another on The Big Leap.

Wayne's Fit - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Wayne wants everyone to appreciate him when they don't after he initiates a lockdown for the contestants.

Contrite Brittney -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Brittney continues to face ostracization from the rest of her group after her actions against Gabby.

Sending Reggie Off-tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

The rest of the contestants on the show send Reggie off when he heads to his practices after rejoining the Lions.

Drinks with Earl - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Monica has a beer with Earl when she stops by his house to talk to him about Justin on The Big Leap.

Drunk Monica -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Monica gets drunk and hangs out with the rest of the contestants during the mandatory lockdown at the studio.

Slumber Party Blues -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Paula, Mike, and Monica are chilling at the mandatory lockdown slumber party at the studio for the contestants.

Malfunctioning Robot -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Nick tries his best to maintain a level of distance from the rest of the contestants, but he ends up feeling more than he wants to let on.

The Squad -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Mike leads the squad of guys who enter Nick's office in search of something when they're under lockdown.

Producing Results -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Nick is getting to the results that he desires when he talks to the contestants about their future..

Mr. Sunshine -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Mike has had quite the turnaround from a depressed, unemployed man to a beacon of light and positivity.

Snuggles with Mike and Paula -tall - The Big Leap Season 1 Episode 8

Mike and Paula snuggle up together when the contestants are locked down for a bonding experience on The Big Leap.

The Big Leap Quotes

Stop saying I got fired. It's not accurate. The auto industry shipped my job to Mexico, and there was a global pandemic. From a bat! A bat killed all of our grandparents! How is that my fault?


Dancer 1: How does she not know he's gay?
Dancer 2: How does he not know he's gay?