The Bear Season 2 Ranked - Collage

A photo collage of The Bear Season 2 Episodes ranked featuring the cast and photography from Chuck Hodes.

Tina Sings -tall - The Bear

Tina performs to her heart's content during a karaoke night with her fellow chefs at culinary school.

Claire and Carmy at a Party - The Bear

Carmy spends some quality time with Claire at a party with her friends while the others work on the restaurant.

Cousins Arguing - tall - The Bear

Carmy and Richie argue with one another as they work toward repairing The Bear during The Bear Season 2 Episode 5.

Syd and Tina Hug -tall - The Bear

Tina is overjoyed when Sydney asks her to be her sous chef and lets her know that she will be attending culinary school.

Partners in Cuisine -tall - The Bear

Carmy and Syd are a dynamic and unstoppable duo who will do everything to get The Bear up and running.

Claire Bear - The Bear

Carmy runs into the girl he used to have a crush on and gets reaquainted with Claire on The Bear Pasta.

Anxiety and Failure -tall - The Bear

Sydney battles some severe anxiety and fear of failure as she gets wrapped up in trying to get The Bear off the ground.

New Adventures - The Bear

Carmy arranges for some new changes and paths for his colleagues/work family when he assigns them to stages.

Carmy and Claire Bear -tall - The Bear

Carmy spends some quality time with his girlfriend Claire amid all the chaos of getting the restaurant open.

Tina Meets Newbies - The Bear

Tina meets the newbies for the restaurant that they hire ahead of opening night of The Bear on "Bolognese."

Table Talk - The Bear

Carmy and Sydney share an intimate conversation with each other while fixing a table and preparing for dinner.