Caught in the Crosshairs - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

It's caught in the crosshairs for Dean when a wayward Deputy gets a line on him.

Creature from the Woods - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

This is a creature from the woods from Supernatural's episode, "Don't Go In the Woods."

Sam Faces Monsters - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

Sam is serious about finding the Cojunta but has no idea about its history.

Hands Up - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

Dean doesn't listen to authority and he's found himself in a bit of trouble.

Sharing Knowledge - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

Jack doesn't know how to socialize but tries his best when he meets a group of kids his own age.

Jack has Friends - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

Jack makes new friends but makes a decision that will put a wedge between him and Dean.

Hunting Time - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 16

Sam and Dean are on the trail of a strange monster but the Sheriff doesn't want them snooping around.

Line of Sight

Sam and Dean have something in their line of sight. What is it?

Serious Talk - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 15

Dean is worried about everyone, but maybe he needs to start worrying about himself.

Contemplation - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 15

Dean wants to know that everything is okay, but he is going to be in for quite a surprise soon.

No Answers - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 15

Donatello has no answers for Dean, or at least none that he's willing to share.

Not the Same - Supernatural Season 14 Episode 15

Jack may appear to be normal but he's not the same. What does the team need to fear?

Supernatural Season 14 Quotes

A little of this, a little of that and yes, good boy. Hmm. Too much that. Disappointing.


Bobby: Life's a little different when you can't just zap people around, huh?
Jack: A lot different. Yeah.