On the Mend - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Vic is on the mend after her abortion, and she is giving Travis some advice on the Emmett situation.

Happy C - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Carina is happy and smiling when it's the opening day of Dean Miller's Clinic and she and Maya talk more about their process.

Creating a Family - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Maya wants to create a family of her own with Carina and a kid but also with the people she care about in life.

Failing to Make It Right - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Travis fails to make it up to Emmett and tries to convince him that he loves him, but it's now working out.

Ross Steps In - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Ross steps in to help out when a patient comes into the station and only speaks Korean, to which she's fluent.

Beckett Hits Rock Bottom - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Beckett is hitting rock bottom with his drinking and Sullivan is still trying to get through to him an provide help

Making Miller Proud - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Jack is determined to make Miller proud with this clinic that's in Dean's name, and he has a successful first day.

Court Observer - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

A court observer shows up at the station to follow Ben around and observe him in his element and report back.

Suprise Annoyance - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Ben is annoyed when someone from the courts drops by to follow him around and observe him at Station 19.

Headed Back Home - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Andy is headed back home to Station 19, but it's coming at a serious price that could backfire on her.

Honoring Dean's Memory - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 12

Jack is opening up the first day of the Dean Miller Clinic in honor of his best friend's vision and memory.

Brewing Argument -tall - Station 19 Season 5 Episode 11

Maya is feeling some kind of way about the two of them having this baby and her not feeling like she has part in it.

Station 19 Season 5 Quotes

Oh, so address the problem of inequity, you're saddling me with more work?


Vic: So Diane is not quitting, you are. You're leaving 19.
Dean: Who can afford to live in Oakland on a firefighter's salary?
Vic: You can.