The Girl Who Made the Stars: a Mighty Queen - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, the girl in the story grows to be a mighty queen, striking down her enemies and saving her people.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: Sweet Dreams - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 5, young Michael Burnham's father finishes her story and says good-night.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: An Encounter - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, the brave girl meets and alien being who helps her to create the Milky Way and light the darkness.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: Seeing the Light - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, a young girl leaves her village to seek a way through the darkness.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: Into the Darkness - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, a young girl leaves her village to seek a way through the darkness.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: An Adventure - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, a young girl leaves her village to seek a way through the darkness.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: Brave Explorer - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, the story of a girl in Africa who braved the darkness to save her tribe explains the Milky Way.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: Father and Daughter - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, young Michael Burnham listens to her father as he tells her a bedtime story.

The Girl Who Made the Stars: Young Michael Burnham - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 4, a young Michael Burnham cuddles a toy tardigrade at bedtime.

Ephraim & Dot: Apollo's Hand - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 5, Ephraim chases the Enterprise through time and space and witnesses the green hand of Apollo attacking the ship.

Ephraim & Dot: Hiding in Plain Sight - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 5, Ephraim hopes that Dot won't look too closely at her tank.

Ephraim & Dot: Dot on the Hunt - Star Trek: Discovery

On Star Trek: Short Treks Season 2 Episode 5, Dot is looking to secure the Enterprise from unauthorized tardigrade infestation.