V and Her Mom - Shameless Season 11 Episode 9

V and her mom are working on ways to turn the tables.

Lip is Mad at Debbie - Shameless Season 11 Episode 9

Debbie is going to extreme measures to stop Lip selling the house.

Frank Plans - Shameless Season 11 Episode 9

Frank plans a heist with his old friends, but how far will he go?

Kev Looks After the Kids - Shameless Season 11 Episode 9

Kev looks into looking after the kids in the bar, but what goes wrong?

Ch-Ch-Changes - Shameless

The Gallagher house is in a state of disarray as everyone gets ready to leave.

A New Development - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Frank is falling apart after everything that's happening in the house.

Frank in the Alibi - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Frank is struggling following his dementia diagnosis.

Packing Up - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

V's mother is gearing up to leave the South Side for good.

Lip and Brad Argue - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Lip and Brad argue outside the police station as the heat is turned up.

Tami Looks for Brad - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Tami looks for Brad when it becomes clear the police are out for him.

Kev Makes a Plan - Shameless Season 11 Episode 8

Kev makes a plan to try to help V when her mother announces she's exiting.

At the Hospital - Shameless

Frank is in the hospital and the family sets out to get answers.

Shameless Quotes

Lip: What exactly does hooked up mean?
Kevin: Last I checked penis goes into the vagina.

Surround sound bitching is the only thanks I get.
