Tamar with Nadia - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 4

Tamar working with Nadia to help Alina hone in her new advanced power.

Inej in a Crazy Dress - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 4

Inej wearing a crazy, yet beautiful, dress for the plan.

Kaz Under Attack - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 4

Kaz, after getting beat up by Pekka, revealing his plan.

Nina Threatening Kaz - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 4

Nina threatening Kaz, which is all apart of Kaz's plan to take down Pekka.

Alina Fighting Shadow Creatures - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 4

Alina fighting Kirigan's shadow creatures after his attack.

Wylan, Jesper, and Kaz - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 7

Wylan, Jesper, and Kaz planning on their next move.

Alina Summoning - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 4

Alina Summoning her power with Nadia and Tamar in the background

Nikolai Shirtless - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 3

Nikolai in the doorway of his room, interrupted by Alina.

Inej Injured - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 3

Inej and Kaz share a potentially intimate scene when he cares for her wounds.

Tolya and Tamar - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 3

Tolya and Tamar reacting to Strumhond's royalty reveal, as they already new.

Baghra Caged - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 3

Baghra inside of a small cell that Kirigan built for her.

Kaz Risking it All - Shadow and Bone Season 2 Episode 3

Kaz risking his life by going to a rival club for help.

Shadow and Bone Season 2 Quotes

Jesper: You knew.
Kaz: About you being a Durast? Your gun misfired on Arken's train. You fixed it without moving. You repaired my cane with no tools. And when you shoot, you never miss. Of course I knew.

Jesper: I might celebrate with a little dice and debauchery.
Kaz: No debauchery.
Jesper: Dice then.
Kaz: No Dice.

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