My Rule of Thumb Picture

When you need to get a terminally ill patient laid, you can always count on Ted Buckland.

My Dirty Secret Picture

Turk is a little frustrated when Carla makes him wait til their wedding day to have sex again.

My Friend the Doctor Picture

Dr. Cox injures himself when he tries to show off to Turk during a game of basketball.

My Fifteen Seconds Picture

J.D. ends up sleeping with Danni (Tara Reid), Jordan's sister. The "My Fifteen Seconds" title, however, comes from time he spends with patients, not time in bed. Don't worry.

J.D. Meets Danni

J.D. meets Danni (Tara Reid) and is interested in the cute, crazy blonde until he discovers she's Jordan's sister.

My Brother, Where Art Thou? Picture

Tom Cavanagh returns to Scrubs as he reprises the role of J.D.'s brother, Dan Dorian. He blames Cox for turning J.D. cynical.

My Lucky Night Picture

Dr. Cox goes up against Dr. Steadman (Matt Winston) for the Residency Director position.

My White Whale Picture

Dr. Cox is not happy to deal with Jack's pediatrician, Dr. Norris (Christopher Meloni) or his puppet.

My Journey Picture

J.D. goes with Elliot to SeaWorld, but is not happy that Sean is back in Elliot's life. Carla accompanies.

My Own American Girl Picture

Elliot gets a makeover based on the Janitor's advice in order to stop people from walking all over her.

Scrubs Season 3 Quotes

J.D.: Dr. Cox? I could use a little help.
Dr. Cox: Beyoncé, you could use a lot of help. But, hey, we all have to play the hand the Big Guy dealt us. You know, unless you're lucky enough to have those insanely over-hyped 'Queer Eye' guys show up at your door, but I doubt even they have the brass ones necessary to fix whatever the hell this is.
J.D.: Yeah, if you wanna use the appearance angle to knock down my self-esteem, best to do it on a day when my hair doesn't look awesome! I know - it's new wax.

Dr. Cox: Now where is your camera? Aren't, aren't you going to take some pictures?
J.D.: Pictures of what?
Dr. Cox: You know. Crying babies. Covered in chocolate. People singing happy birthday to my son, who've never even met him before. You know, the whole routine.
J.D.: Where do you think we are?