Hey, Boss - Scandal Season 7 Episode 3

Marcus is still working for Fitz and that means he, too, is away from the woman he loves.

Vermont For the Win? - Scandal

Fitz is in Vermont and working on a cause close to his heart, but is it worth it without Olivia?

A Big Event - Scandal

Fitz is no longer the President of the United States.

Olivia on a Mission - Scandal Season 7 Episode 2

Olivia Pope is ready to find out the truth on Scandal Season 7 Episode 2.

Abby Smiles - Scandal Season 7 Episode 2

Abby wore a killer dress on Scandal Season 7 Episode 2.

Mellie Is POTUS - Scandal

Mellie is working her way to the top, but how far does she have to go?

Dean Norris on Scandal

Dean Norris will appear on Season 7 Episode 2 of Scandal.

Should I Kill Him? - Scandal Season 7 Episode 1

Will Huck offer to kill Charlie for Quinn and play father to her baby? Anything is possible on Scandal.

Tension at Work - Scandal Season 7 Episode 1

Quinn is heavily pregnant and is not about to put up with Charlie stepping out of line.

A New Role - Scandal Season 7 Episode 1

Abby will be Quinn's chief of staff. God, it's like all the villains come out smelling of roses on this show.

Abby's Back! - Scandal Season 7 Episode 1

Dark Abby is a thing of the past, and a lighter version of the character will be working with Quinn at her old stomping grounds.

What The Huck? - Scandal Season 7 Episode 1

Huck has long been one of those characters that thinks about slicing and dicing those closest to him. Could he be doing the same in this scene?

Scandal Quotes

[to Abby] You are not a gladiator anymore.


Mellie, I know the situation is difficult, I do. And I'm so, so sorry. But we have a job to do here, and in order for me to do my part effectively, I'm going to need you to refrain from referring to me as a whore. At least in front of my face. Alright?
