Mary Faces Off - Salem

Mary Faces Off with Countess Marburg on Salem. "The Wine Dark Sea" is the fifth episode of the show's second season.

Her Supernatural Side - Salem

Anne explores her supernatural side on Salem. "Book of Shadows" is the fourth episode of the show's second season.

Cotton Returns

Anne Hale brings Cotton Mather back to Salem this week.

Keeping the Power - Salem

Mary works with a former enemy to keep Salem in the witches hands on "From Within" the third episode of the show's second season.

Stuart Townsend as Dr. Wainwright - Salem

Dr. Wainwright is played by Stuart Townsend on Salem

Who's Fooling Who? - Salem

Mary attempts to frighten Mercy doing what she says.

Salem Season 2 Quotes

Mary: I wonder if you even remember.
Mercy: Remember what?
Mary: What it feels like to sleep with your head on a pillow instead of a corpse.

I will not be toyed with like this. They have to trust me. I am his mother.
