The Conner's Get A Gift - Roseanne

Andrea offers the Conner's a gift, but they're not sure what they are supposed to do with it.

Mark's Second Day - Roseanne

Mark is ready to take on his second day of school, and isn't going to let any bully get him down.

Dan And Roseanne Still Have It - Roseanne

Dan clearly only has eyes for his one love, Roseanne.

Darlene And Mark - Roseanne

Darlene offers some words of advice, and makes sure to let Mark she loves him no matter what.

Mark - Roseanne

Mark takes some time for himself, after being kicked out of school for the day, and before his mom comes in to talk with him.

Becky's Plan Doesn't Work - Roseanne

Roseanne continues to reason with Becky about the decision she is trying to make.

Becky Pleading - Roseanne

If Becky can't get Roseanne on her side, she turns to Dan to try to get him to knock some sense into Roseanne.

Darlene States Her Case - Roseanne

Darlene isn't putting up with any excuses. She is fine with the person Mark is, and as long as he's comfortable in his own skin it shouldn't matter how he dresses.

Darlene's Angry - Roseanne

Darlene isn't taking any excuses when she finds out why Mark was kicked out of school.

Becky, Roseanne, And Dan - Roseanne

Roseanne tries to knock some sense into Becky about being a surrogate, and going through childbirth.

Jackie's Not Helping - Roseanne

Andrea is taken back by how intense Jackie is when answering questions about mental illness.

Andrea, Roseanne, And Becky - Roseanne

Sarah Chalke comes back to play the role of Andrea. A woman who is looking for a surrogate.

Roseanne Quotes

Dan: Candyman's home babe.
Roseanne: Oh, my favorite, drugs! What happened to the rest of our candy?
Dan: Funny story. Our insurance don't cover what it use to so I got the drugs for twice the price.

Roseanne: Dan! Dan!
Dan: What? What happened?
Roseanne: I thought you were dead!
Dan: I'm sleeping! Why does everybody always think I'm dead?
Roseanne: You looked happy. I thought maybe you moved on.