Is Someone a Communist - Riverdale

The gang learns that Mrs. Thornton is accused of being a communist on Riverdale. "Chapter One Thirty: The Crucible" is the 13th episode of the show's seventh season.

Head River Vixen - Riverdale Season 7 Episode 12

Cheryl Blossom has made a reputation for herself as the head cheerleader and a leading force at the school.

The Big Game - Riverdale

It's time for Riverdale High to go against Stonewall Prep. Reggie is ready to get his revenge on his former classmates.

Center Stage - Riverdale Season 7 Episode 11

Kevin Keller is starring on stage for the big festivities at the Babylonium. What will the ghost show have him play next?

Ghost Show - Riverdale Season 7 Episode 11

There's a spooky, scary celebration happening at the Babylonium for Halloween. What will the party get up to?

Spooky Celebration - Riverdale Season 7 Episode 11

Veronica Lodge is hosting a ghost show at the Babylonium. She's throwing a big celebration for the spooky night.

Ghost Show - Riverdale

Veronica plans a ghost show on Riverdale. "Chapter One Hundred Twenty-Eight: Halloween II" is the 11th episode of the show's seventh season.

Finding His Way - Riverdale Season 7 Episode 10

Kevin Keller is feeling the pressure from his dad. Sheriff Keller wants him to play sports and follow his path.

The Babylonium Movie Theater - Riverdale

Veronica Lodge's new business venture is the Babylonium movie theater. She has Clay and Kevin working for her.

Clay Walker - Riverdale

Clay Walker is the newest kid at Riverdale High. He's an army brat and someone who loves movies and writing poetry.

Kevin & Clay Meeting - Riverdale

While in the music room at Riverdale High, Kevin Keller is meeting Clay Walker for the first time at the piano.

Kevin's Wandering Eye - Riverdale

Kevin Keller is discovering himself and his sexuality. While in the locker room, he's noticed Clay Walker coming out of the shower.

Riverdale Quotes

Alice: These diaries are your past, and your past is crushing you. Edgar says that...
Betty: What, Mom? What does some guru who’s running a heaven’s gate commune for pregnant runaways and wives of serial killers have to say about my diaries?
Alice: We know that you look down on the Farm, Betty. But, Edgar has done nothing but help me. He’s encouraged me to embrace everything that I was ashamed of and become the best version of myself.

Betty: You should be writing about the real story. What happened to Jason? Who was holding him captive? Why was he frozen? And who shot that gun on July 4?
Mrs. Cooper: Yes, well if you're so keen on reporting, then why don't you come work with your father and me? The Register could really use a Lois Lane type like you.