Giving Marital Advice - Ride Season 1 Episode 8

Missy gives Gus's sister, Laura, advice about marriage.

Cody's Wisdom - Ride Season 1 Episode 8

Cody offers Isabel advice on how to deal with Daniel Booker.

Saving the Dress - Ride Season 1 Episode 8

Valeria and Cash rush to save Laura's wedding dress.

Accusations - Ride Season 1 Episode 8

The Bookers blame Missy when things go wrong with Laura's wedding.

Friends Forever - Ride Season 1 Episode 8

Cash and Valeria know no matter what happens, they'll be friends.

Saving the Wedding - Ride

Valeria and Cash step in to save the wedding.

Missy Quits - Ride Season 1 Episode 7

Overwhelmed with pressure, Missy quits as Cash's coach.

Pageant Pressure - Ride Season 1 Episode 7

Missy judges the pageant and puts her future on the line.

Tuff's Pride Season 1 Episode 7

Tuff is so proud of his family; we love how he expressed it.

Practicing - Ride Season 1 Episode 7

Cash practices for Denver on a mechanical bull.

A Part of Herself - Ride Season 1 Episode 7

While judging the pageant, Missy realizes a part of her was missing.

Hank's Agenda - Ride Season 1 Episode 7

Does Hank have a different agenda than Isabel for the stadium?

Ride Quotes

Missy: It’s your first official ride. All I’m saying is you've got to make sure you’re doing it for you and not for them.
Cash: You know, around here, there’s no difference.

Austin: First time I see you in years, and here you are trash-talking me to my wife.
Cash: Austin, it’s not like that.