Chris Grismer Quantum Leap


Lee, Hudson, Park Interview Lead - Quantum Leap

On NBC’s Quantum Leap, Magic (Ernie Hudson) leads the HQ Team - Jenn (Nanrisa Lee) as security expert and Ian (Mason Alexander Park) computer programmer extraordinaire.

That's the Sphinx - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Ben (Raymond Lee) stands at the foot of the actual Sphinx.

QL 208 Lead - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Addison (Caitlin Bassett) coaches Ben (Raymond Lee) in the art of spycraft.

Really In Egypt - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Ben (Raymond Lee) and Addison (Caitlin Bassett) are actually in Egypt.

Worried Ian - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Ian (Mason Alexander Park) furrows their brow.

This Could Be It - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Ian (Mason Alexander Park) knows the odds aren't good.

Waiting Isn't Living - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Magic (Ernie Hudson) has a plan.

Determined Jenn - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Jenn (Nanrisa Lee) is dedicated to the mission.

Tom at Home - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Tom (Peter Gadiot) is relaxed.

Ben Feeling the Heat - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Ben (Raymond Lee) feels the pressure of espionage.

Addison on Lookout - Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8

On Quantum Leap Season 2 Episode 8, Ben (Raymond Lee) and Hannah (Eliza Taylor) talk while Addison (Caitlin Bassett) keeps an eye out.

Quantum Leap Quotes

Look, I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I’m just merely offering a counterpoint from someone who has impeccable taste in music.


Addison: Have you been hiding?
Ben: Hiding? No, I was just in a different section of the apartment.
Addison: You mean the bathroom where you were hiding from the party you didn’t want to have?
Ben: I love parties. Having everyone in here, touching all our stuff. I would’ve proposed way sooner if I knew we got to do this.