Dissent inside the AIC - Quantico Season 2 Episode 10

In previous episodes, the terrorists have come across as a well oiled machine. Now that we are getting a glimpse at what's going on behind the masks, it looks like the terrorists are having a difference of opinion.

Worried Faces

Inside the hostage situation, it doesn't look like things are running smoothly for the terrorists, at least not the CIA terrorists. Can Ryan and Raina get things back on track?

AIC's Newest Members - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

Diana and Leon were both tapped by the AIC, and it's unclear how they are handling it. Being blackmailed can't be a pleasant experienced, and the ordeal has to be even worse when someone in the CIA is behind it.

Seduction - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

Seduction is a skill that Ryan has already perfected. He seduced Alex on an airplane before her first day at Quantico. Who is his latest target?

Rules of the Game - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

As agents and spies in training, the mission always comes first, even before personal relationships. This can make things difficult, especially for couples who are both in the spy game.

A Tense Relationship - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

Sebastian and Harry have had a very tense and unusual relationship, that's for sure. With the lesson of the week being seduction, will Harry continue to press his luck with Sebastian?

Getting Close? - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

The lesson of the week at the Farm is seduction, and Alex definitely seems to be using her skills on her Owen. She also seems like she's making progress.

Targeting Owen - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

It looks like Alex still believes the way to the AIC is through Owen. She's persistent, you have to give her that. Will Owen be able to provide her with any valuable intel?

You've Been Tapped, What Comes Next? - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

Now that Ryan has been tapped by the AIC, the mission is going to heat up. Perhaps we will find out when and why Miranda got involved with the AIC in the first place. Is it for the mission or does Miranda believe in the AIC's cause?

A Handler's Job - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

A handler's job is never easy, and I doubt handling Ryan Booth is a breeze. The Alex drama never quite stays at the door. Could she be the reason why Ryan and Nimah don't look too happy here or is it AIC related?

May the Best Agent Win - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

Alex may have been taken off the AIC case, but formalities have never really mattered to Alex. She's going to keep working the case, but will she make any headway?

Ah, love - Quantico Season 2 Episode 9

Ryan and Alex look so blissfully happy. It's a shame we know it doesn't last. Now if only those two could quit each other for good.

Quantico Season 2 Quotes

Alex: I just saw a dead man.
Shelby: What man, and what makes you think that he's dead?
Alex: Because I'm the one who killed him.

Alex: You know, sometimes I wish we said no, to the mission, to all of this.
Ryan: There was no mission, Alex. We were chasing ghosts.
Alex: They weren't ghosts, Ryan. They were just smarter than us.