One Happy Addison

Can you blame Addison for smiling here? She's sitting right across from Jake, after all.

Checking on Erica

Are you okay, mommy? Our hears are breaking just taking a gander at this Private Practice scene, courtesy of the episode "The Letting Go."

Charlotte and Erica

Charlotte has come a very long way in her dealings with Erica. She helps her look her hospital best in this Private Practice scene.

Visitors for Erica

Coop bring Mason in to see his mother in this shot from Private Practice. But Charlotte has bad news for them both.

Sam Bennett Image

Sam is going through a lot these days on Private Practice. He doesn't know how to handle his troubled sister.

Mason and Mom

Bring a bucket of Kleenex for the episode "The Letting Go." This scene pretty much explains why, wouldn't you say?

Looking After Erica

It's not looking good for Erica. Charlotte and Amelia look on in this photo from the episode "The Letting Go."

Erica in Trouble

Poor, poor Erica. It's impossible to not feel terrible for this suffering character on Private Practice.

Give Me a Hug!

Charlotte opens her arms up wide for Mason in this scene from "The Letting Go." She has certainly changed her view on the little guy.

Hugging Mason

Altogether now: AWWW! Erica is embraced by Mason in this scene, but things are taking a turn for the worse for the character.

Addison on Andromeda

Addison seeks some advice in this Private Practice scene. It's courtesy of the episode "Andromeda."

A Visit to Seattle Grace

Welcome to Seattle Grace, Erica. Can you blame the young woman for looking so terrified?

Private Practice Quotes

"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches