Elektra's Choice - Pose Season 1 Episode 3

In an effort to make the final move to becoming the woman she is, Elektra visits a doctor doing sex change operations to consider her options and future.

A Holiday Hospital Visit - Pose Season 1 Episode 3

Pray Tell stops at a local hospital's AIDs wing to visit a friend who has developed pneumonia and may pass during the holidays.

Angel's Pose Season 1 Episode 3

Angel takes to the ball floor for the House of Evangelista during a special holiday walk and outshines her competitors.

The Snow Ball - Pose

The House of Evangelista celebrates the holidays and prepares for the Snow Ball on Pose. "Giving and Receiving" is the third episode of the show's first season.

Sweet Competition - Pose Season 1 Episode 2

Blanca (Mj Rodriguez) and her newest house member Lil Papi (Angel Bismark Curiel) stare a ball challenge right in the face.

Bail Out - Pose Season 1 Episode 2

After paying her bail, Elektra (Dominique Jackson) scolds Blanca for getting herself jailed after Blanca refused to leave a gay bar when the bartender wouldn't serve her a drink.

Keeping Up With Coworkers - Pose Season 1 Episode 2

Stan (Evan Peters) evaluates the household expenses and debates with his wife about buying a dishwasher after shelling out for a new car to keep up appearances with his coworkers.

Damon Tries Dating - Pose Season 1 Episode 2

Damon (Ryan Jamaal Swain) catches feelings for Ricky (Dyllon Burnside) after they meet at a ball. However, navigating the dating world proves difficult when he realizes how different they are -- not to mention his commitments to the House and dance school.

Pray Tell Leads The Ball - Pose Season 1 Episode 1

Ball emcee Pray Tell (Billy Porter) commands the hall's attention as houses and contestants get ready to walk.

Elektra's Will - Pose Season 1 Episode 1

Elektra (Dominique Jackson) responds to a challenge by Blanca over the credit for the house's latest walk theme.

House of Evangelista - Pose Season 1 Episode 1

Blanca, Angel, and Damon prepare to make their ball debut as the House of Avangelista and compete against the famed House of Abundance.

Blanca Looks On - Pose Season 1 Episode 1

Blanca (MJ Rodriguez) readiness herself in the midst of a ball show to face her new freedom beyond the House of Abundance.

Pose Quotes

Blanca: Notice what it’s all about. Being able to fit into the straight, white world and embody the American dream. We don’t have access to that dream, and it’s not because of ability, trust me. I mean… isn’t that what you’re trying to do? Dance your way into that world? The world of acceptability?
Damon: Sorry I said I wasn’t like you.
Blanca: Oh child, hush. You are a gay black boy. Who else you goin’ find to make to feel superior?

Blanca: You are jealous and petty, and you show your true colors.
Elektra: I have a right to show my colors, and you showed yours. You’re not ready. You’re a second banana. I’ll give you that, but no more. Look at me. Look at you. I can pass. I can strut down fifth avenue when the sun is sitting high as my cheek bones and be waited on at Bergdorf’s, same as any white woman, while you hide away in the shadows. You’re way ahead of yourself in the game… beast.
Blanca: So, do any of you want to walk out this door with me into the future or would you rather choke on dust and decay?
Elektra: You’ll be back.
Blanca: Never.